Wednesday, March 11, 2009

success the most magical word to achieve!!!!!!!

i always wonder why success is given more importance than failures.they say failures are stepping stone to success,failures make you strong , never say quit, and many other. so when u achieve success why do people ignore after some point of time, every success creates hype with it , how far it goes is the big question.does success changes a person ???????????? there is no particular answer to it, because it depends from person to person,let me take my own example . by god grace i am very fortunate to see success and failures at very young age which came from hardwork and belief in myself, so the question is has success changed me ??? no , i am still the same old simple guy, with high ambitions in life ,never took success into my head, learned from each  failures and enjoyed them, i think this is the most important aspect of failures, you need to enjoy them very much. its the attitude which matters a lot at the end , whether you win or loose ,the way you win ,and commitment towards your work, belief , will power most important aspect of success and failures. unless you see failures how can you judge your potential,where you stand, failures are the most important part of our lives and will follow till the finish line, because life is a race, where every person wants to be first , but there is only one winner, so enjoy your failures more than success.

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