Sunday, August 16, 2009


What do we want in life????? , money, name, fame, success, happiness, peaceful life, and adventure, all the materialistic happiness, romance, and the list is never ending………..,do we know what our goal and the final destination ??

As we start our life, we dream about so many things, and we aspire to be a doctor, engineer, scientist, sports person, actor, and many other things. As a child we carry these dreams with us and work towards it. As we get old, we get better understanding of the world, we learn so many things and many a times we change our priorities also. We decide things on our own, set new goals, ignoring our parents, start taking important decision on our own. In this process we meet so many new people, increase our social network, and look forward to achieve new targets in life. As we get old we start searching for our better half, start a new life with them, things change once you pass out from college, we enter the world of reality, and hardship, where we need to prove ourselves at every step we take. We start earning, get busy in that life. It is this point where we start loosing ourselves, who we are, what were our dreams, what we want from life ,we get so busy that we hardly have time for ourselves , or for family and friends, just get stuck in that monotonous life without realizing that we got stuck into it.

At some point of time when finally life is about to finish we take rest and look back what we did these many years, and get upset about it because other than earning money we never cared for our family , friends, nor gave time to our children, and lost our passions and dreams somewhere in between that busy life. We realize that we have lost so many things. In this confusion we lost our passion and got stuck in many useless things.

I think it’s better to realize now then repenting later for loosing so many things, it’s very important for all of us to keep the interest ,hobbies, and passion alive in our heart .so don’t wait for tomorrow, start something new and exciting and things which you are good at , which keeps your passions alive and enjoy every moment of your life and find the path of your dreams and give your search the END….in knowing what you are, who you are, and what you want to be for yourself…………………………..


  1. Rightly said "IF U ARE GETTING TOO MANY THINGS TOO EARLY IN LIFE, WATCH OUT FOR THE THINGS THAT FALL OFF THE EDGE!!" ... from Michael Clayton.... cos sum things are not worth losing for nething else in lyf.. like our family and friends :)
