Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year New Thoughts

2011 has been a big roller coaster ride year for me, literally have felt so many ups and downs, still it was a beautiful year in terms of knowing myself much more closely and  clearly. the whole year had its sharp turns,all kind of shockers, surprises, good news, bad news, betrayal, faith, and many things. if i take this whole situation as a story then it would be like i did my internship in a company called LIFE, and under guidance of Mr GOD The Ultimate BOSS!!!!!!!!!!! 

the whole experience of your internship is always special no matter where you do, it always hold the special place in your heart, it gives us so many valuable lessons, truth, we learn so many things, commit so many mistakes, the BOSS always correct us in different manner of course, depending upon the way you respond to him, really god helps us at every single step we take, he always follow us no matter what happens, some times he test us so badly that for a moment we start hating him, but we forget that he loves us very much, the faith and hope are the true pillars for the existences of our life without these two we are nothing.

 its  all about the perfect timing, God gives us all the deserved things at the right time, keep the faith in him, he will always be in your side no matter how big the storm is, he will always be behind you to give the strength and courage to face the storm, so be tough, keep smiling, feel strong, and be happy no matter how worst the situation is, things will get better....................... TRUST HIM :):):):)

1 comment:

  1. Well would like to share something i once read:
    A man witnessed many events of his life in the form of flashback.. He always noticed that there were two sets of footsteps.. when he enquired about the second ones, GOD answered saying it was HIM and that he always walked with the man taking care of him in all walks of life.. thereafter, the man noticed only one set of footsteps in difficult times of life i.e. testing times.. He then questioned GOD as to why did HE leave him alone although he was in need of HIM the most.. GOD replied, "My dear child, in those times the footsteps you see are mine as i embraced you and carried you in my arms in period of trial and tribulation.. I Love you my child!!"
