Friday, November 14, 2014


why do we get jealous ??? i still wonder, is it a simple man made or our constant rise of expectation from people around us or with yourself, its a feeling of being taken away from you which you love very much or losing all the attention, love and care from someone, its a bundle of all the little things which we always fail to understand clearly.

when was the last time you felt jealous about something, might be anything, from a silliest thing to big thing, from a neighbour getting a new car, or  your colleague going on a vacation abroad, or your cousins getting a good marks in exams or your sibling getting new things , somewhere all this is centered with us we being connected to everything which matters to us very much. is it because of our insecurities, facing failures, not meeting self expectations,or constant thinking about impressing or comparing with others all the time? its a very tricky puzzle to solve but after all we are humans, we tend to get attached to all the materialistic things in life, then get very possessive about it, might be anything even a relationship, sometimes we do get very carried away in our behaviour.

is it a bad thing or good thing i don't know but sometimes its good to be jealous in a healthy way but once its crosses the limits its a danger mark line not to be crossed, so next time when you get jealous about something just pause for a minute and think why am i getting affected and question yourself and think about it you will find the answers in someway :)  

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